More Disturbing Effects of Flame Retardants on Childhood Development

Duke University scientists will test a sample of your polyurethane foam, which is commonly used in upholstered furniture, padded chairs, car seats, and more. All you need to remove is a sample the size of a marble and it will be tested for the presence of seven common flame retardants. Here’s how it works:
Complete an electronic sample request to generate your Sample ID Number
Prepare your sample
Cut a piece of foam, 1 cubic centimeter in size (a little bigger than the size of a marble).
Wrap the foam in aluminum foil.
Place each foam sample in its own re-sealable sandwich bag; be sure to completely seal the bag.
Attach or write the Sample ID Number on the re-sealable sandwich bag.
Mail it in
Enclose the following in a box or envelope:
Foam sample with Sample ID Number written on bag (Step 2)
Copy of confirmation email (Step 1)
Mail to:
Gretchen Kroeger
Box 90328 - LSRC
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
The research lab only has the capacity to analyze 50 samples per month, and they close submissions once the quota is reached. Before sending in your sample, check with the Duke University Superfund Submit a Sample website to see if they’re still accepting submissions (for best results, check in on the first of the month).