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Veterans Day + November Special

Veterans Day Tribute Event

Heal Grow Thrive Medicine works one-on-one with veterans in their journey to wellness. Not one single visit goes by that we aren't reminded of their sacrifice.

Veterans have given up more than just their time during their service. Every human is designed diversely which results in a unique military experience; side effects may vary.

The physical demand alone often has long-term set backs, but there is an emotional element as well. Veterans return home to civilian life with experiences imbedded in the form of chronic pain, muscle tension, bound tissue, headaches, depression, sleep apnea and the like. They seek help and are often handed medication prescriptions, referrals to a counselor to "talk it out", and sometimes a disability card -- be it to their benefit or detriment. The run-a-round for finding healing is its own headache, with little avail and next to no validation.

Here, we listen. Here, we lay healing hands on their tension.

Here, we address the whole being. Here, we hold them with high respect.

Here, we value their mind, their body, their soul. Here, we allow space and grace to heal, and do what we can to give back for all they've done for us.

Veterans, you may sometimes feel like a drop in the ocean, but your pain is not discredited nor do you go unnoticed.

Thank you for your service.

Thank you for your sacrifice.


This weekend we are excited to open our doors to the community for a mini-event in honor of veterans. Join us this Saturday afternoon to give tribute to their service.

WHEN: Saturday, November 10th 1:00 -- 3:00

WHERE: Heal Grow Thrive Medicine

WHAT: FREE Ear Acupuncture, and more!



20% OFF Lavela

(clinically studied lavender oil dietary supplement)

Trouble sleeping?



Winter blues and it's barely November?

Start taking Lavela!

Lavela is an exclusive lavender extract condensed into soft gels. Lavela has been around in the alternative medicine world for a bit but now is becoming increasingly accepted by western doctors as well who are recommending it for all of the above dilemmas. Lavela is indicated for anxiety, it promotes relaxation, and calms nervousness. We are eager to share the Lavela love with our community to give everyone a head start on beating seasonal depression. Let's change those winter "blues" to LAVENDER.

regularly $35 - now $28

Stop by to pick up yours, or call to reserve @ 541-639-8911




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